Training & Education

The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association provides training and professional development to all 92 Counties of Indiana.
We are a provider through ILEA in which we proudly develop our law enforcement professionally throughout the State. In carrying out this purpose the Association shall act as a coordinating, educational and service organization for the ninety-two (92) county sheriff’s departments to promote and improve the delivery of county sheriffs’ services, foster professionalism through the criminal justice system, and to encourage the appreciation and practice of law enforcement in the State of Indiana.
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Training Opportunities
The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Training mission is committed to engaging and providing training programs, manuals, technical assistance, a clearinghouse, research facilities and staff, publications and newsletters, aid in operational and organizational issues leading Indiana’s Office of the Sheriff to the highest standard. The ISA provides legislative bulletins and liaison services with respect to legislation concerning matters directly related to the purposes and objectives of this Association, and long range planning activities to improve county sheriffs’ services in the State of Indiana. Our Initiative is dedicated to improving the Criminal Justice System through education, training, and service. One Voice.
The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Online Training Academy in partnership with the National Command Staff in College fulfills these standards. Click below to access ISA Training Academy.